Baptist Mid-Missions medical outreach in northern Ghana is called
Samuel Seidu Memorial Clinic
The clinic was built in 1995 using gifts from many Baptist Churches in the United States. This eight room cement block building stands beside the road that leads a short distance east to the village of Baa’yiri. It is approximately 17 miles northeast of Wa, the regional capital of the Upper West Region. Our clients come from the surrounding area of 24 small villages and most are subsistence farmers. The recorded population of the sub district is 4915 people.
The clinic is a basic out-patient facility which sees patients on a “first come, first serve” basis Monday through Friday. We provide preventative and curative treatments at the primary health care level. This includes offering prenatal checks, child health care, treatments for tropical ulcers and burns, suturing of simple injuries associated with farm work and home accidents, and medication for a variety of common ailments. Our simple lab offers tests for malaria, anemia, and common intestinal and urinary parasites.
Catherine Bristol, Baptist Mid-Missions missionary nurse, is the only trained professional on staff, and the only expatriate involved in this medical outreach. As such she is “on call” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All other workers have been chosen from local Baptist churches and trained for their work at the clinic or the local hospital.
Below are some pictures depicting a typical day at clinic.
Each day begins with staff devotions.
While we meet for devotions, patients are gathering on the benches on the front veranda waiting to be admitted.
Simon is now at the admitting desk locating each patient’s records, and obtaining their weight and basic vital signs
Routine changes of dressings are done in the treatment room.
A mother and babe waiting to be seen by the nurse
The nurse examines each patient, prescribes medication and treatment, and dispenses the medication from the consulting room.
Nursing Assistant Abraham helps give “first dose” to a sick child
Simon gives out a baby layette to a mother and her new baby Layettes have been provided by Women’s Missionary Fellowship groups from Bristol’s supporting churches
Abraham setting up his microscope and centrifuge on lab day
Pastor David Sabogu, our invaluable administrator and key leader in the clinic ministry.
Some time at the end of a clinic day, we fit in a time for home visits.